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  • Writer's pictureJasmine Edmond

You're Pretty For A...

Aht!!!! Don't finish that statement. The absolute nerve, gall, balls, and got damn audacity of some people to actually consider this a compliment. Let me tell you what you wont do, what you wont do is minimize my beauty based off your fucked up standards of what you believe beauty to be. No, I'm not pretty for a big girl...I'm not pretty for a brown skinned girl...I'm not pretty for a bald girl...I'm not pretty for a college educated girl, I'm not pretty for a financially stable girl, I'm not pretty for a home owner, I'm not pretty for a boss ass bitch... I'm just fucking pretty, maybe a little petty too, and you'll just have to deal with it. I'm not settling for half assed "compliments" and you shouldn't either. So "B4" you try to discount someone's beauty with that weak ass statement, please know audacity is not on sale and you couldn't afford me at full price.

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